The 2022 Best of The Midwest Combine is February 21 at Finch Creek Fieldhouse, 16892 Boden Rd Noblesville, IN (Northeast side of Indianapolis). There are 25+ hotels within a 15-20 minute drive from Finch Creek.
Schedule for the 21st: Check in/registration- 7:45am-9am. Camp 9am-230pm with break around noon for food, water , bathroom break.
Morning period will consist of testing in: 40yd dash, pro shuttle, L-Cone & broad jump. ** TIMES WILL NOT BE SCRATCHED. Colleges don’t scratch times & neither do we.
Afternoon period will consist of individual position group drills & coaching along with 1 on1 competition period.
* Outside food and drink is NOT permitted at Finch Creek but concessions will be open to purchase food,
** Testing results will be posted to our website within 48 hours after date of camp and will be viewed by college coaches at all levels across the country.
Can athletes go to car an eat during break
Do athletes have to do testing as far as 40s Ldrill and pro shuttle?
All athletes are expected to test just like they would at a college 1 day camp.